Coronavirus Guidance in Healthcare

Public Health England (PHE) has released official infection prevention and control advice for healthcare providers dealing with possible cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
To be used in conjunction with local hospital policies, the guidance outlines what healthcare providers should do in terms of dealing with the disease, including how to: implement preparedness measurements, effectively isolate patients, deal with visitors, provide staff with suitable protection, and transfer patients.
Coronaviruses (such as COVID-19, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV) are highly infectious diseases, transmittable through respiratory droplets and indirect contact with infected secretions. The Wuhan coronavirus has been classified as an airborne high consequence infectious disease – meaning that it has a high case-fatality rate, can be difficult to recognise in potential patients and does not yet have an effective drug treatment.
PHE’s guidance relies primarily on control of the disease through prompt identification of potential carriers and effective infection prevention and control measures being put in place to limit it spreading any further.
One aspect of minimising the risk of cross infection is the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) including gloves, eye-protection, gowns and respirators (RPE).
When dealing with a person who is suspected of harboring COVID-19, the PHE recommend:
- Using an FFP3 respirator conforming to EN 149 for persons entering the room.
Staff must be fit tested prior to using this equipment. These should be single use (disposable) and fluid repellent.- If an individual cannot use an FFP3 respirator, due to inadequate fit, facial hair or insufficient supply, then an alternative with equivalent protection – such as the PureFlo 3000 – must be used
- Long-sleeved fluid-repellent gowns should be used with gloves and tight-fitting cuffs
Eye Protection
- Eye protection, such as single use googles or full-face visors, must be worn at all times.
- The PureFlo 3000 is compatible with both disposable and reusable hoods, offering excellent respiratory protection and 360° eye protection.
Having access to the right equipment alone however is not enough.
It is essential that PPE is handled correctly to ensure contamination is not spread.
A recent study looking into the spread of Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms found that as many as 36% of healthcare workers were unknowingly contaminated following patient contact due to incorrect handling of their PPE.
Unlike most powered air devices, the Dräger X-plore 8000 is easy to use, easy to clean and easy to maintain, featuring:
+ An encased blower unit, that can be worn over or under gowns/aprons
+ Plastic casing, hosing and belt can be wiped clean for decontamination
+ Reusable and disposable hood compatible
For more information about powered air respiratory purifying respirators (PAPR) and the PureFlo 3000