
Christmas Bubbling – The facts


This week’s announcement of the new coronavirus measures over Christmas will allow households to bubble with two other households between 23rd-27th December. 

The new measures will be universal across all four UK nations, with Northern Ireland extending the dates to 22nd-28th December to allow time to travel between nations. 

Once a bubble has been have formed, they cannot be altered – so one household cannot be shared between bubbles. Outside of the Christmas bubble you are in, you may see other people, but this will be subject to your local tier restrictions.

Between the selected dates, bubbled households will effectively be as one unit, being allowed to socialise in private residences, stay the night and visit a place of worship together – much like before the pandemic. They will not however be allowed to visit hospitality venues, theatres or retail settings, in an attempt to minimise cross-bubble contamination.

After the bubbling season is over, individual households will return to tiered restrictions including standard social distancing and PPE regulations.

Guidance on how to form a Christmas bubble is available on the government website here: www.gov.uk/government/publications/making-a-christmas-bubble-with-friends-and-family



Some experts have warned that the relaxation of Covid restrictions could spark another wave of infections and further deaths. The coronavirus is not going to call a truce just because it’s Christmas, so it’s advised you use common sense when taking advantage of the new measures and seriously consider the risks of bubbling with elderly or immune-compromised relatives. 

Whilst these new measures offer the opportunity to have a somewhat normal Christmas this year, make sure you continue to wear a mask, wash your hands, and keep your distance to protect everyone this winter.