
Lincolnshire hospitals standardise respiratory protection


A hospital trust in the North of England has undergone training and formed a new strategic partnership with a British healthcare company for the standardisation of their respirator masks.

Following expert training, the Infection Control Unit at the Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLG) have made the decision to standardise their Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) to the Full Support Healthcare Easimask range.

Designed in collaboration with infection prevention teams, the Easimask range are both latex and fibreglass free and offer the highest level of particulate protection.

Discussing the reason behind standardising to the Full Support Healthcare Easimak, Maurice Madeo, Director of Infection Prevention and Control at NLG, said:

“In our hospital environment, respirator masks are used for a variety of different situations by a range of different staff.

“While some staff have been Fit Tested already, we are aware that not everyone has. And of those that have, some were on makes and models of masks that we no longer use.

“With hundreds of front-line staff in need of training, Full Support’s cascade method of Fit Tester training seemed like the logical choice.”

As part of the standardisation process, key members of staff, frontline educators and the Director of Infection Control attended a Fit Tester training day to equip them with the skills and knowledge to cascade Fit Testing across the Trust.

Mick Slack, RPE expert and Fit Tester Trainer said:

“As both respirators and people’s faces come in different shapes and sizes, Fit Testing must be done on a make, model and person basis.

“This can be extremely challenging for a large organisation with so many front-line staff needing training.

“Offering a cascading form of training and standardising to one main respirator mask means that staff are more likely to have been Fit Tested and are less likely to pick up a respirator they’ve not been tested on.”


For more information about Fit Tester training, click here.